This is the part closest to the lagoon of the territory of Aquileia. Unlike the surrounding areas, the ground is naturally higher and this fact enabled the introduction of agriculture in ancient times. The origin of the “heights” of the Aquileia plain, of which the dunes of S. Marco and Centenara are the most obvious and best-preserved examples, are one of the most discussed topics of geology of the coastal region. The history of the settlement begins with the Savorgnans, noblemen faithful to the Patriarch of Aquileia and subsequently to the Venetian Republic. The family took refuge there during the war with the Hungarians (1411), since it was easy to reach Grado by sea and thus make an escape. The way the Savorgnan family gained control of the dunes of Centenara is a curious one: one night, they bridged a ditch that made them islands and thus belonging to the lagoon and to the authority of Grado. From the road that leads from Grado Aquileia towards Boscat and Fiumicello, one can see the Villa Savorgnan Fior Pasi surrounded by other farm buildings.