Larus canus

40-46 cm, sexes similar. It is smaller than the black-headed gull. Present from November to April, numerous in some winters, it frequents the sea, the lagoons and agricultural...

Falco tinnunculus

31-37 cm, the male with a grey head and tail, rufous upperparts, the female with rufous barred tail. Present throughout the year, it nests in the abandoned nests of crows and in...

Gallinula chloropus

27-31 cm, sexes similar. Dark with tail in part white and red and yellow beak. Present throughout the year, it nests in freshwater and brackish wetlands, avoiding areas that are...

Aythya ferina

42-49 cm, the male with a reddish head. A diving duck, it is present especially during the winter, while some pairs nest in the lagoon of Marano. The largest wintering flock...

Tringa totanus

24-27 cm, sexes similar. Grey-brown uppers, lighter beneath with evident white bar on the wings, darker in breeding season; red beak and legs. Present throughout the year, it...

Emberiza shoeniclus

13.5-15.5 cm - the male in wedding dress has a black head. In winter, the plumage of both sexes are the same, of a brownish coloure and with relatively long tail with four white...

Charadrius hiaticula

17-19.5 cm, sexes similar. The largest of the plovers. It is similar to the smaller plover but more massive with bolder markings and a-coloured wing bar that is absent in the...

Actitis hypoleucos

18 to 20.5 cm light brown uppers. white on the lower parts. The wings have a narrow light-coloured bar and are often blocked briefly in flight. Present throughout the year, a few...

Tadorna tadorna

55-65 cm, white in appearance with a dark red beak with tubercle in the male. Present throughout the year, it frequents areas subject to tide and valli di pesca (local...

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