Charadrius dubius

15.5-18 cm, sexes similar. Beige upperparts with black stripes on the head and chest, white beneath. Present from March to September, it nests along river shores, in some...

Sternula albifrons

21-25 cm, sexes similar. This is the smallest of the terns, and has a very high rate of wing beats. It fishes with continuous hovering movements followed by dives. Present between...

Anas plathyrhynchos

50-60 cm. With marked dimorphism, this is the ancestor of the domestic duck. Present throughout the year, it is very adaptable, frequenting both wetlands and the high coast,...

Puffinus yelkouan

30-35 cm, sexes similar. Dark above and white lower parts. Aggregates in flocks offshore from spring to autumn; it does not nest here and its presence is very irregular in terms...

Larus melanocephalus

37-40 cm, sexes similar. Compared to the black-headed gull, the beak is more massive and coral-red, it has a black head – during nesting – and white tips to the wings. It is...

Cygnus olor

140-160 cm, white, grey in juveniles, tubercle at the base of the beak, most evident in males. Present throughout the year, numerous at river mouths and in particular at the mouth...

Nycticorax nycticorax

58-65 cm, sexes similar, the adult black and grey, the juveniles brown. Present from spring to autumn, rare in winter. It nests in colonies associated with other herons. Of...

Luscina megarhynchos

15-16.5 cm, sexes similar. Reddish brown upperparts, and light in underparts. Present from April to September. It nests in coastal and riparian thickets. Its beautiful song echoes...

Morus bassanus

85-97 cm, sexes similar, the adults being black and white and juveniles all black: this is the largest seabird normally observed in the Mediterranean. It frequents the open sea as...

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