A halophyte species that shows itself most during its summer flowering.
A halophyte species that is very common on the sandbanks of the Grado lagoon.
A North American species common in cultivated areas and along rivers. Used for poles and firewood.
It appears in cultivated woods of pine and has spread widely in natural fashion on the Karst plateau, and is present also in the coastal pine woods of Lignano as a species...
Like the white poplar, it is common along rivers and coasts, but is less tied to sandy soils. A hybrid variety is grown in poplar groves for the production of paper.
To be found in areas behind dunes and near springs.
It may be found along rivers, near springs and accompanying the minor waterways of wetlands and peaty terrain. It can form pure forests in wetlands and floodplains.
This forms extensive reed beds, particularly at river mouths. It resists moderate salinity by reducing its size. It is used for trellises, locally called grisiole, and for the...
Frequent in the sea at a depth of less than 5 metres and in lagoons, especially where there are fresh water inlets. It colonises tidal flats, becoming apparent during low...