Fraxinus angustifolia

Frequent in lowland woods where it prefers the wettest locations. Found along rivers and near springs. Quite resistant to salinity, it also grows at the mouth of rivers.

Posidonia oceanica

Seagrasses are flowering plants just like those growing on the land, except that they have become adapted to life permanently under water. Unlike algae, sea plants have roots,...

Lithrum salicaria

This plant with its showy summer flowering is well spread in freshwater wetlands and along minor waterways.

Erianthus ravennae

Rather localised in certain areas behind dunes along the coast between Grado and Lignano.

Bolboschoenus maritimus

It forms exclusive stands or in association with the common reed at the mouth of rivers, in the presence of slightly brackish water. It used to be cut to provide litter for...

Crithmum maritimum

A halophyte (salt-tolerant) species not present in salt marshes but on rocky coasts and harbour works such as jetties and embankments, even in lagoon areas.

Cladium mariscus

It forms exclusive stands around the “mouths” of spring and is present along waterways and in floodplains on perpetually flooded peaty soils.

Eryngium maritimum

A sand-loving species, it shows itself during its summer flowering.

Limonium vulgare

A halophyte species forming extensive spreads on sandbanks and very noticeable during the summer flowering.

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